Technician School No. 1 in Kłobuck (Zespół Szkół nr 1 im. Jana Kilińskiego w Kłobucku) and Technician School in Rawa Mazowiecka (Zespół Szkół – Centrum Edukacji Zawodowej I Ustawicznej im. Mikołaja Kopernika w Rawie Mazowieckiej) implemented project from European Union funds in cooperation with the European Mobility Center Association.
This time as part of the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development (PO WER) with the support of the European Social Fund. The basic objective of the project is to expand personal and professional development of trainees, increase in entrepreneurship, creativity and development of professional competences.
Project: Europe, Development, Mechanics (Europa, Rozwój, Mechanika) under Vocational Education and Training, Operational Programme Knowledge, Education, Development
Venue: Greece
Dates: 19 - 27/10/2017
Partners: Youthfully Yours GR (GREECE, Europejska Fundacja Edukacji i Rozwoju (POLAND), Zespół Szkół nr 1 im. Jana Kilińskiego w Kłobucku, Zespół Szkół nr 2 im. Ks. Jana Długosza w Kłobucku, Zespół Szkół w Krzepicach
Through new experiences, we have been able to improve and innovate our target group (vocational education institutions, teachers, students) through more attractive methods of knowledge transfer through the use of acquired experience and more effective assessment and understanding of the needs of target groups. Activities related to vocational education were better organized. The increase of staff qualifications has influenced the more effective impact of the undertaken activities both on the local and national level as well as international in contacts with institutions operating in the vocational education sector in Europe.
„Unia Europejska drogą do osiągnięcia sukcesu dla młodzieży kształcącej się w zawodzie technika informatyka” „European Union as a way to achieve success for youth educating in the profession of IT Technician”
With the cooperation of New Team Sp. z o. o. – our partner from Poland we realized the project titled „European Union as a way to achieve success for youth educating in the profession of IT Technician”. The aim of the internship was raising the attractiveness of the participants at the labor market by enhancing their professional competences and enabling them to acquire the first experience of working in intercultural environment. Training was also a chance for young people to develop their language competences and knowledge concerning the culture of Greece.
Within the project there were 4 mobilities organized. Each of them engaged a group of students from different vocational school in Poland, accompanied by the teachers:
- 10.11.2016 – 21.11.2016 – a group of 20 students from Post-secondary School Complex no. 2 in Krasnystaw
- 20.03.2017 – 31.03.2017 – a group of 14 students from Agricultural School Complex in Czaratejew
- 27.03.2017 – 07.04.2017 – a group of 16 students from Economic School Complex in Międzyrzec Podlaski
- 15.05.2017 – 26.05.2017 – a group of 18 students from Professional School Complex no. 1 in Włodawa.
We are glad to inform that in cooperation with Polish partner – Finea Sp. z o.o. – the project „Logistyk na rynku europejskim – staże zagraniczne” (Logistics at European market – vocational trainings) has been implemented. Within the project three groups of students coming from different Professional Schools in Poland and educating in the field of Logistics Technician attended the vocational trainings in Greek enterprises.
The groups were divided as follows:
- 17 students from School Complex in Lubraniec – Marysin; date: 20-31.03.2017
- 16 students from Economic School Complex in Międzyrzec Podlaski; date: 27.03-07.04.2017
- 31 students from School Complex in Janów Lubelski; date: 15-26.05.2017.
During the internships students were accompanied by the teachers from their schools.
Date: 20.06.2016 - 01.07.2016
Venue: Greece
Project Partners: Youthfully Yours Gr (Greece), Center of Education and Civic Entrepreneurship Foundation (Poland)
The project "Cuisine of Europe Regions - education in modern work techniques as a chance for the development of local gastronomy" was a response to a very great interest of students from Agricultural Training Centre School placed in Jabłoń, Poland in developing their professional skills abroad. The mobility was realized in the dates of 19.06.2016 - 02.07.2016 (including travel days) in Greece, with the cooperation of Polish partner - Center of Education and Civic Entrepreneurship Foundation.
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