Project: Europe, Development, Mechanics (Europa, Rozwój, Mechanika) under Vocational Education and Training, Operational Programme Knowledge, Education, Development

Venue: Greece

Dates: 19 - 27/10/2017

Partners: Youthfully Yours GR (GREECE, Europejska Fundacja Edukacji i Rozwoju (POLAND), Zespół Szkół nr 1 im. Jana Kilińskiego w Kłobucku, Zespół Szkół nr 2 im.  Ks. Jana Długosza w Kłobucku, Zespół Szkół w Krzepicach

Project Description

Through new experiences, we have been able to improve and innovate our target group (vocational education institutions, teachers, students) through more attractive methods of knowledge transfer through the use of acquired experience and more effective assessment and understanding of the needs of target groups. Activities related to vocational education were better organized. The increase of staff qualifications has influenced the more effective impact of the undertaken activities both on the local and national level as well as international in contacts with institutions operating in the vocational education sector in Europe.



The main goal of this Vocational Education and Training project was to support self-development process of the participants and give them a chance to improve their work related skills, foster increase of entrepreneurial attitudes, creativity and mobility on the labour market. Thanks to the project, the students had the opportunity to improve their professional qualifications in a position corresponding to their professional orientation, which is the main assumption and goal of the project. 

Thanks to the project, the students had the opportunity to improve their professional qualifications in a position corresponding to their professional orientation, which is the main assumption and goal of the project.

The trip is very important to them as in partner schools, due to its poor facilities, there is no possibility of using professional laboratories. The trainees gained access to practical activities in the field of extended mechanics with the following elements: electropneumatics, hydraulics, electrohydraulics, software and controllers.

The participants worked daily under the constant supervision of an experienced tutor, which additionally positively influenced the skills they acquired, including the development of modular education.

The internship was provided in English, which is why the participants developed not only their general language skills, but also those in the field of technical vocabulary.

Language support was guaranteed by the presence of a second mentor - an expert in English as a professional translator. The internship will take place in Greek factories, in specialized laboratories for 14 days (including non-working days), during which the participants worked on special instruments of general and automotive mechanics.

In addition to practical classes, participants also pursued cultural and educational goals through contact with Greek youth and the local community at the internships.

They have developed their ability to work in an international environment and have developed attitudes of tolerance and respect for work and other culture.

Moreover, the completion of foreign internships by school students is confirmed by Europass-Mobility certificates, thanks to which their acquired skills and professional qualifications are recognized by European employers. Certificates issued after successful completion of the internship and exam are accepted in corporations throughout Europe. Thanks to participation in the internship, beneficiaries have a better chance of finding a satisfying job.

The need to adapt to the conditions prevailing abroad has helped to increase their ability to adapt to changing conditions.


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