in association with CheckIN
Τίτλος : «EU.YOU.GO – European YOUth Goals vol.3»
Τόπος : Ferreira do Alentejo, Portugal
Ημερομηνίες : 11 έως 22 Ιουλίου 2024
Συμμετέχοντες : 5 άτομα 18 εώς 30 ετών και 1 άτομο (leader) 18 εώς 35 ετών
Καλύπτεται το 100% των εξόδων μετακίνησης εώς 360 ευρώ! και το 100% διαμονής διατροφής.
Ο leader ή κάποιο μέλος της ομάδας, συνίσταται να πάρει μέρος στην προπαρασκευαστική συνάντηση στη Ferreira do Alentejo (APV - Advanced Planning Visit) τον Μάϊο (2 - 5/05), καθώς και στην Ανταλλαγή Νέων.
Συμμετοχή : 40 € (εφόσον επιλεγείτε)
Δηλώσεις συμμετοχής έως την ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ 29 ΜΑΡΤΙΟΥ
Συμπληρώστε την φόρμα συμμετοχής εδώ
During the YE, all the team leaders and the participants will have the
opportunity to work together on the project topic.
The YE will take place from the 11th to the 22nd of July 2024.
This project seeks to give participants new points of view on the
European Youth Goals, through art that will later be expressed to the
local community through performance art, dance, theater and music.
EU.YOU.GO III (2024) seeks to make young people aware of the future of
Europe. The main objective of this project is to jump boundaries, cross
social and economic barriers and find common values between vast
cultures, opening young people's minds to interculturality and the
European Youth Goals.
- Offer young people the opportunity to share experiences on the situation of European
Youth Goals from the point of view of different European countries.
- Provide tools and methods of expressions & communication like video, audio, design,
drawing, dance, theatre and others, to empower young people.
- Enhance the skills and knowledge of youngsters in the field of communication &
expression, and how to use them as a tool for promote the culture.
- Exchange of knowledges on “How to Understand European Solidarity Goals”.
- This exchange will empower young people to understand the society by providing them
We will use non-formal tools, videos, simulation games, theater
exercises, experiential games, coaching and self-directed learning,
taking care to provide a strong experiential impact on participants and
Participating countries: Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece, Poland
Accommodation: The group will be composed of 40 people (participants, team
leaders, facilitators and organizers). The best solution is to stay
together to sleep in a school. The school is situated near the city
center (1 minutes’ walk). Just in front of the school, there will be
a shower/bathroom zone (1 minute distance by foot). The
Check-IN team will provide beds/sheets for all participants.