in association with TEATRO METAPHORA - Associação de Amigos das Artes

Τίτλος : Training Course «Every Human Has Rights»

Τόπος : Machico, Madeira & Busteni, Romania

Ημερομηνίες : 25/06 - 4/07 (Madeira) & 15 - 24/10 (Romania)

Συμμετέχοντες : 3 άτομα 18 εώς 40 ετών

Οι συμμετέχοντες θα πρέπει να συμμετέχουν και στις 2 δραστηριότητες

Καλύπτεται το 100% των εξόδων μετακίνησης εώς 530 ευρώ (Madeira) - 275 ευρώ (Romania) και το 100% διαμονής διατροφής.

Συμμετοχή : 40 € (εφόσον επιλεγείτε)

Δηλώσεις συμμετοχής έως τo ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ 5 ΙΟΥΝΙΟΥ



Συμπληρώστε την φόρμα συμμετοχής εδώ



Background of the project

Based on the fundamental importance of human rights education in contributing to the promotion, protection and effective realization of all Human Rights, this project was developed based on various Human Rights abuses and problematic situations across Europe.  The high and serious worrying level of discrimination and Human Rights violation in the world today, in schools, in neighbourhoods, in the working place, etc., discrimination and intolerance by state or by peers or authorities, radicalisations of young people,  are very often considered as normality among many young people which are either victims, neutral, indifferent or abusers themselves.

     There is an emergency to invest and develop competencies in Human Rights Education, especially among youth workers who are dealing with the most sensitive and who have in the same time the biggest capacity of change among the global population: Young people! Through this project we want to enable a new generation of Human Rights Educators across Europe, who have the context and motivation to act as Human Rights Education multipliers for various target groups in different communities that are affected by human rights abuses and violations. Human Rights Education is essential for the promotion of universal respect for and observance of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, in accordance with the principles of universality, indivisibility and interdependence of human rights. Therefore this project is trying to cover the lack of sufficient Human Rights Educators in youth field that could reach often forgotten groups of young people.

Main aim of this project is to raise the capacity of youth organizations from different countries to prepare, deliver and evaluate Human Rights Education Activities for young people (in order to have more acknowledged, skilled and pro-active youth towards various Human Rights problematic situations in their communities and in the world in general).

For more specific objectives we envision that

  • To provide a space for sharing best practices among youth organization in human rights activism field;
  • To mainstream human rights education in youth organizations;
  • To increase the level of innovation and creativity in youth work field;
  • To stimulate long term involvement of beneficiaries youth organizations in international projects;
  • To increase the knowledge level of young people and youth workers in topics like: Human Rights (values, principles, cases, etc.), Human Rights Education (methods, activities, results), social exclusion, intercultural dialogue, tolerance, radicalisation, marginalization, etc.
  • To develop youth workers sense of initiative and entrepreneurial skills;
  • To stimulate youth organization to engage in human rights policy making in their communities and at global level.


The structure of the project is like this:

  • First residential training course for developing basic competencies in human rights education (Madeira , Portugal)– 25th June-4th July 2021)
  • Practice phase 1 in each community (each team will have to prepare and implement human right education workshops for at least 50 young people) with a support manuals from Council of Europe and coaching from the trainers; (July- October)
  • Mid-term evaluation (online)
  • Second residential training course for advance competencies in human rights education area (Busteni , Romania)– 15-24 October 2021)
  • Second practice phase (each team will have to prepare and implement one more human right education workshop for at least 25 people) (October – January 2022)
  • Evaluation of the whole project–online (January 2022)
  • Follow-Up activities - after January 2022 in the local communities

*selected participants have to take part in both training course and practice phases!


Target group and criteria

- Youth workers (no age limit but preferably over 18) that have responsibility in running projects/initiatives (paid or voluntary) in their organizations

- Should have some basic relevant experience that entitles them to multiply easily new competencies;

- Motivation in issues as human rights and human rights education;

- Motivation and availability for the entire project duration (2 training courses and local practice phase as mention before)

- All participants should have an English level of at least medium level (to be able to participate in discussion and in the training activities);


Participating countries: Portugal, Romania, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Serbia, Turkey and Poland

Venue: Hotel Dom Pedro Madeira


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