YE (Youth Exchange) or youth exchange programs is:

The possibility given to one or more groups of young people to be hosted by a youth group in another country, in order to participate together in a joint program of activities.

These projects aim to engage young people in a way that enables them to understand and become aware of different social and cultural realities, to learn from each other, to develop the spirit of entrepreneurship and strengthen the feeling of their identity as Europeans.

For example, a multilateral Youth Exchange titled "DOTS - Dialogue on the Stage" was held in Savigno in Bologna, Italy from 17 to 27 July 2012.

The project involved 30 young people from Italy, Latvia, Greece, Slovenia and Bulgaria .The idea was to use basic theatrical techniques to help participants relate better to each other.

A combination of practical activities where young people worked in small groups participating in improvisation, trust exercises, taking roles and other techniques from one and a series of workshops where they discussed about the results of their experiences: confidence, approaching other cultures, creativity and direction to eliminate the borders between European citizens.

And in this way to create a small "show", as: actors, writers, set designers, directors, and so on, trying to work through the idea of theater as a perfect example of teamwork.

The program also enabled the participating teams to present their sending organization and their country.  

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