in association with Monomyths Association
Τίτλος : Training Course «Navigators on Creative Seas»
Τόπος : Calarasi, Romania
Ημερομηνίες : 6 εώς 14 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021
Συμμετέχοντες : 2 άτομα 18 εώς 35 ετών
Καλύπτεται το 100% των εξόδων μετακίνησης εώς 255 ευρώ! και το 100% διαμονής διατροφής.
Συμμετοχή : 40 € (εφόσον επιλεγείτε)
Δηλώσεις συμμετοχής έως την ΔΕΥΤΕΡΑ 9 ΑΥΓΟΥΣΤΟΥ
Συμπληρώστε την φόρμα συμμετοχής εδώ
The outbreak of the COVID-19 disease has posed great challenges to the worldwide economy and people’s daily lives and will have far-reaching consequences beyond the spread of the disease. At the same time, the crisis is also a strong driver of creativity and innovation. One can already observe abundant creativity and innovation emerging at the national, institutional, organizational, and individual levels. The involvement of youth workers as the frontline staff is essential to help young people solve community and individual problems through creativity and decision-making techniques.
Creativity plays an essential role in helping youth deal with stress, fear, and uncertainty in times of crisis; express and regulate emotions in times of crisis; solve problems for fighting COVID-19; cope with stress and threats; fight with boredom installed during city lockdown. Creativity and resilience can help not only individual young people, as well as organisations can learn creative processes to solve problems and challenges posed by COVID-19 and adapt to the current and upcoming changes. Moreover, creativity is valued as the most important business skill in all sectors and industries (according to the 2019 Linkedin research).
Aim and objectives:
Creativity, innovation, and design thinking will be the main pillars of the second edition of the project Navigators on Creative Seas. Monomyths team joined forces with 14 Youth NGOs to create during a training course 1 design thinking youth map for Youth NGOs, interested to learn step-by-step how to facilitate creative problem-solving “incubators” with the young people from their communities to find solutions to a variety of challenges.
Specific objectives of the project:
SO1: To expand the NOCS network with 30 creative youth workers from 15 Youth NGOs who acquire the know-how, skills and tools to facilitate 15 “innovation local incubators” using the design thinking youth map during a 7 days training course on “creativity, design thinking, and innovation” by September 2021.
SO2: To support 165 Youth NGOs to adapt their services and local interventions to the new challenges imposed by pandemic through 1 innovative tool and 10 demo-local workshops.
SO3: To promote min 30 young innovators during Covid-19 from 15 countries, through a collection of 30 podcasts with them, on the topic “Creativity Unleashed” in order to inspire youth to take action in their communities.
TC agenda & objectives:
The 7 days training course focuses on delivering a practical curriculum on creativity, design thinking, and innovation and to train 30 youth workers to develop their competences, find creative solutions to crisis situations and expand their working horizons, encouraging the exchange of best practices.
The specific objectives of the training course:
O1: To create 7 days learning playground for 30 youth workers from 15 partner countries to test a collection of creative methods that can ultimately lead to innovation.
O2: To create by the end of the TC 5 interventions prototypes that answer to local challenges to be implemented in the local communities.
O3: To explore practical ways to mentor and facilitate design-thinking processes that empower youth to take action.
O4: 30 youth workers will develop a set of essential skills: creative, critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.
Participating countries: Romania, Belarus, Greece, Estonia, Moldova, Jordan, Bulgaria, Poland, Ukraine, Albania, Georgia, Spain, FYROM, Morocco
Venue: Albatros Complex
Covid-19 Safety Rules:
Monomyths association will follow, during the training course the Health Protocol regarding the security and protection of all the participants and staff. The protection and security measures will be in accordance with the legislation in force at the time of the face-to-face activity, always considering the indications of the Romanian Ministry of Health, indications of accommodation and transport (international and national). We have found out that there are new regulations for people arriving outside the European Union space, therefore, in our case from Moldova, Albania, Morocco, Jordan, North Macedonia, Ukraine, and Belarus. To avoid the mandatory 14 days quarantine, they have added the rule for the travellers outside UE to be fully vaccinated + 10 days after the second dose of the vaccine. So even though we were trying not to make this a criteria for selection, we see no other choice than to select participants who are already vaccinated.
Previous to the project:
As a European travel rule, the travel of any participant who presents Covid-19 symptoms prior to the trip to Romania is strictly forbidden. Each partner has the responsibility to check before the departure the rules and restrictions imposed for their country by the Romanian Ministry of Healthy.
PCR tests & Health Insurance
The young people selected to attend the international mobility acknowledge and agree to have a valid health insurance for the whole duration of the youth exchange and a PCR test (if is considered a mandatory condition to enter the country). Unfortunately, we cannot cover the costs for the PCR tests, but please take into consideration that starting from 1st of July, people who are vaccinated can enter Romania without the need of a PCR test.
For those who will need a PCR/antigen/rapid test to enter Romania and to return, the hosting organization will use the remainder of the travel allowance to cover at least part of the cost of the test for those who need.
Travel: During the international & national travel, it is important to respect the security measures imposed by airlines, airports and various transportation companies, with regard to safety distance and the use of a protective mask.
During the project:
Please proceed according to the accommodation and host organization safety standards, which are imposed by WHO, European Commission, and Ministry of Health. It is mandatory to use a medical mask (not a textile one), which will be provided twice a day by the host organization! Temperature measurements will be taken of all project participants, twice a day, to guarantee the safety of the group.