in association with JOETZ

Τίτλος : Training Course, «You got the Power Over You»

Τόπος : Struga, North Macedonia

Ημερομηνίες : 30 Μαΐου έως 4 Ιουνίου 2022

Συμμετέχοντες : 3 άτομα 18 έως 35 ετών

Καλύπτεται το 100% των εξόδων μετακίνησης έως 180 ευρώ και το 100% διαμονής και διατροφής.

Συμμετοχή : 40 € (εφόσον επιλεγείτε)

Δηλώσεις συμμετοχής έως την ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ 1 ΜΑΙΟΥ



Συμπληρώστε την φόρμα συμμετοχής εδώ



You got the power over you! training course is a product of a partnership in which 9 organizations came together to tackle stress and anxiety management of leaders of organizations and their youth leaders.
Our youth leaders working in youth centers, with local community and youth projects are at the forefront of dealing with people usually with fewer opportunities. They are multitasking with unequal workload with continuous exposure to interaction and need of communication and management with people. They are at high risk of burnout and were facing additional hazards due to corona pandemic.

As part of the training we will build our methods on raising self-consciousness and awareness, help concentration and focus by experiential and non-formal education based leadership and mindfulness practices.
We are to empower our participants at individual level first and help their self-development process, so that they can be better leaders and agents for change and inspiration in their organizations.
Clarity of mind, importance of health and the ability to focus better are outcomes that we want to promote and raise awareness about. By introducing Leading Mindfully (LM) concepts and practices, our participants and organizations are foreseeing to become agents of change and promoters of a more physically and mentally healthy society at personal, professional and community level.
Our training course is designed to help leaders of organizations and their youth leaders to Lead Mindfully by aligning their body, mind and spirit with theoretical and practical activities in place. They will learn about stress management techniques, develop their leadership skills and learn about experiential learning based mindfulness practices. Our methods will focus on the practical usage and application of Leading Mindfully practices in youth leader’s professional and personal life to enhance their self-consciousness and focus on things that matter.
Network development in the Balkans is in our particular focus here especially due to their diversity of cultural and historical background, nature of work and life realities which offer additional plus to the project’s partnership.

1. To understand the concept and importance of conscious leadership in working with youth at management and leader level.
2. To understand and acquire Leading Mindfully concept skills and effectively apply it in a stressful environment.
3. To experience and learn creative theoretical and practical methods of Leading Mindfully through physical and mental health oriented activities for youth empowerment and self-development.
4. Learn about ways and exercises, how mindfulness, concentration, calmness and silence can be introduced to youth workers at management and leader level.
5. Acquiry of self-directed stress reduction and consciousness raising techniques and their usage in NFE setting for balanced efficiency.
6. To discover the value of Erasmus+ as a tool for the development of leaders and managers of youth organizations.

Participating countries: Belgium, Greece, Albania, Austria, Kosovo, Italy, North Macedonia, Spain, Serbia,

Venue: Hotel Biser



Entry to North Macedonia from 1 September
From 1 September, people aged 18 and over, entering North Macedonia will need to present either:
• a full vaccination certificate, or
• a negative PCR test made in the 72 hours before entering the country, or
• a certificate of recovery from COVID-19 in the last 45 days, counting from the day of recovery
Citizens of North Macedonia and foreign nationals entering the country without a COVID-19 vaccination certificate, PCR test, or certificate of recovery from COVID-19 will be required to quarantine at home for seven days.
Also, as all the participants have to be insured, we would like to inform you about the following: If someone tests positive, this person will be in isolation in a separate room. The organisation would like to underline that the extra costs of this separate room and extra tests (PCR, antigen...) will be the responsibility of the participant or her/his insurance.
Foreign nationals transiting through the country will be able to do so within 5 hours with a previously signed statement of entry into the country which they will have to submit before the border control at the exit from the country.
To enter Skopje International Airport (including for a departing flight), people aged 18 and over are required to provide proof of vaccination with at least one dose, or a certificate showing you have recovered from COVID-19 within the past 45 days, or a negative PCR test made in the previous 72 hours, or rapid antigen test in the previous 48 hours.

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