in association with Express Yourself

Τίτλος : Training Course «Step Up - Theatre Empowering Social Inclusion»

Τόπος : Liepaja, Latvia

Ημερομηνίες : 20 εώς 29 Ιουλίου 2022

Συμμετέχοντες : 3 άτομα 18 εώς 35 ετών

Καλύπτεται το 100% των εξόδων μετακίνησης έως 275 ευρώ και το 100% διαμονής και διατροφής.

Συμμετοχή : 40 € (εφόσον επιλεγείτε)

Δηλώσεις συμμετοχής έως την ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ 10 ΙΟΥΝΙΟΥ



Συμπληρώστε την φόρμα συμμετοχής εδώ



The training course "Step Up - Theatre Empowering Social Inclusion" is organized by Express Yourself (LV) in Liepaja, Latvia, during the period of 20.07 - 29.07.2022, including 24 participants from 8 countries - Italy, Portugal, Latvia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Greece, Romania and The Netherlands.
Statistics from 2019 show that within the EU there are approximately 110 million citizens at risk of social exclusion (28%), that 53.8% of early leavers from education were either unemployed or inactive. Other social and economic issues around Europe have affected people in general and minority groups in particular, generating NEET, refugees, migrants, among others. After pandemia, the tendency and studies point to the worsening of all these figures and conditions making social exclusion an issue that increasingly needs to be addressed.
The 10-days training course is created to raise their awareness on the topic of Social Inclusion in Europe, particularly after this pandemic season, while attempting to prevent related issues, through the use of the most democratic, complete, flexible and interactive tool available in non-formal education, namely Theatre.
The treatrical approaches will include Theatre of the Oppressed, Image theatre, Shadow theatre, Puppetry, Storytelling, Body and Voice work while using methodologies for activities that will include roleplay, games, debates, presentations, reflection, crafting, performances, briefing and debriefing, among others.


The project aims to provide a set of tools to enhance self-awareness, self-empowerment and self-expression inorder to provide better life and professional perspectives to those at risk of exclusion.
 This project objective is to equip participants in order to use Theatre as a tool to limit the inactivity and lack of self-belief of young people at risk of social exclusion.
The project aims to:
● Enhance the ability of youth workers, in using Theatre to prevent Social Exclusion in youth contexts;
● To share information and good practices in contrast to Social Exclusion and raise the awareness on these topics in the partner countries;
● To develop new networking youth initiatives, based on the use of Theatre as a tool for social transformation;
● To foster intercultural dialogue, European solidarity and social inclusion of marginalized individuals;
● Another aim directly connected to our new pós-Covid19 reality is to understand how youth has been affected by the so called 'social distancing', which according to many studies led to signs of depression and growing anxiety.


Participating countries:Portugal, Italy, Slovenia, Romania, The Netherlands, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia

Venue: Liepu Hostelis


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