in association with MIHI Latvia
Τίτλος : Training Course, «VulnerAbility»
Τόπος : Sigulda, Latvia
Ημερομηνίες : 8 εώς 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023
Συμμετέχοντες : 2 άτομα 18 εώς 35 ετών
Συμμετοχή : 40 € (εφόσον επιλεγείτε)
Δηλώσεις συμμετοχής έως την ΤΡΙΤΗ 2 ΜΑΙΟΥ
Συμπληρώστε την φόρμα συμμετοχής εδώ
The main aim of the Training Course is to increase the awareness of personal strengths and
authenticity among youth workers during a personal journey of self-discovery. The project will
aim to create an atmosphere of genuine and honest expression among participants, and
especially after the past tensions of pandemic and excessive access to the digital world, we aim
to give the space of body, mind, and soul connection and its manifestations is because this
alliance is the ticket to self-appreciation and unconditional self-love. All these above-mentioned
principles are the compass that will lead us in order to encourage youth workers to have an
open heart and mind, as well as be more participative in their lives and in their community. The
learning methods are based on physical theatre, movement, yoga and meditation, and arts and
all developed through non formal learning.
- To support youth workers to become more aware of themselves, thus enabling them to
make conscious choices and decisions that fit with the core of their identity and their goals.
- To provide youth workers with tools to support a deep connection with young
people they work with through a similar process.
- To self-heal and be honest and vulnerable after an emotional rollercoaster from the
pandemic consequences.
- To reflect on their own learning process by using the Key Competences from the Youth
Pass and give the opportunity for capacity building in the context of the Erasmus+ Program.
Participating Countries: Latvia, Georgia, Spain, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Egypt
Venue: Reinis Hotel Sigulda