
We are glad to inform that in cooperation with Polish partner Finea Sp. z o.o. the  project „Logistyk na rynku europejskim – staże zagraniczne” (Logistics at European market – vocational trainings) has been implemented.  Within the project three groups of students coming from different Professional Schools in Poland  and educating in the field of Logistics Technician attended the vocational trainings in Greek enterprises.

The groups were divided as follows:

- 17 students from School Complex in Lubraniec – Marysin; date: 20-31.03.2017

- 16 students from Economic School Complex in Międzyrzec Podlaski; date: 27.03-07.04.2017

- 31 students from School Complex in Janów Lubelski; date: 15-26.05.2017.

During the internships students were accompanied by the teachers from their schools.


The participation in two-week trainings was aimed at enabling students to use theorethical knowledge gained at school in practice, familiarizing with modern standards in European logistics industry , raising langauge copetences (English) and enhancing students’ professional and their self-development.

During the vocational training students were improving their skills in terms of their future profession. They had a chance to know logistic processes occuring in Greek enterprises. They got to know how to use database in logistic processes and how to effectively search for particular parameters in the system, which supported gaining the knolwedge concerning coordination of of logstic processes. Students had a chance to observe schemes of operation of Greek logistic enterprises and compare them with those applied in Poland. During the training participant were staying in intercultural environment, which required using English as a main communication language. They also developed professional competences according to modern European standards. As a result, their attractiveness at the labour market – both national and European – has been improved. 

Apart from the internship itself students developed a range of social competences. By gaining knowledge about other culture they became more tolerant and open towards new experience. Students learned to be felxible and to respect the differences. During the two-week stay the had a chance to observe Greek traditions and culture and taste traditional dishes of Greek cuisine. Students participated also in cultural program, during which they visited the characterictic places – Meteors, where they saw the famous monasteries places high on the rocks, and Skiathos Island, where they got to know Greece from yet different perspective. During the cruise they took part in the traditional Greek dances and listened to traditional Greek music.

After participation in the vocational training students received the certificates prooving their participation. They also received Europass Mobility document stating the professional competences they acquired. The certificates were issued in two langauges – Polish and English and aim at raising the competetiveness of the students at labour market.

The mobility was organized within „Vocational trainings for students and graduates from professional schools and the mobility of professional education teachers ” project funded by PO WER under the Erasmus+ program – Vocational trainings Section.


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